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La Parolaccia

Av. del Libertador 5836
Belgrano. Tel. 787-2478

Río Bamba 1046
Barrio Norte. Tel. 812-1053

A. Dávila 1052
Tel. 343-1679

Carpaccio. Sorrentino sugho di funghi (con crema de hongos). Gnochi soufflé di spinachi. 1/2 pollo Café de París. Creppe italiana. Creppe de miele e limone. Profiteroles al gelato.

La parolaccia has got three dining rooms in Buenos Aires. The first one, opened 8 years ago, is located in Riobamba St.; the others are in Barrio Norte and Av. Dávila. All of them are the profits of the creativity of the Lore Brothers who have developed three important aims: good cuisine, careful service and moderate prices.
They celebrate Italian flavors, offering easy yet dainty dishes like the soufflé gnocchi in a 4 cheeses sauce.
At midday you can enjoy a fixed menu under 9$. Special promotion: on Mon. get a free bottle of fine wine at dinner. You can also get a bottle of wine if you make the reservation through the Internet.